SMS Shared Shortcodes Explained


Instead of using the traditional long code number, meaning the standard mobile number (here in Ireland that would be 3538********), businesses tend to prefer using Shortcodes within their marketing campaigns; these are only 5 digits long and can be more catchy for their customers to remember. However, a dedicated Shortcode can be expensive for a single business to maintain, that is where Shared Shortcodes can be used.

Shared Shortcode

A Shared Shortcode is a designated keyword assigned to a business over a 5 digit number, such as 50015, which can be used by businesses to attract new customers. Thus, multiple businesses can share the same 5 digit number but the SMS contains unique keywords (which would be advertised within the marketing campaign) that identify messages for that particular business. Customers include this keyword (might be name of the business or product or name of campaign) when texting to the 5 digit number.

Shared Shortcode Cost Options

There are various types of Shared Short Codes. For example, Go2mobile offers  2 Shared Shortcode options.

  1. Business Pays for SMS: A free text number where the customer sends a designated keyword to a 5 digit number. The cost of the text from the customer is borne by your business.
  2. Your customer Pays for SMS: A standard rate number where the customer sends a designated keyword to a 5 digit number. Standard text message rates apply to your customer.

Shared Shortcode Examples

This blog post briefly mentions one use of Shared Shortcodes, but there are many others. Some examples include:

  • Advertising your product or service to enable your customers request further information by sending a SMS.
  • Building a mobile opt-in database of consumers.
  • Promoting your brand.
  • Providing a Service/Oncall Contact Alert System.
  • Allowing customers to log Support Queries
  • Allowing potential customers to log Sales Requests
  • Using Shared Shortcodes for a Comments System, meaning for logging Feedback and Comments.