What can mobile related analytics do for your business?

The short answer is, that mobile sourced analytics can do quite abit for your enterprise, the following are just some short examples:

  • Mobile Marketing lists can become more effective: location, demographic, optimal times for response etc.- by mining your data repository you can build more targeted lists with subsequent better return on your marketing investment.
  • Capturing Feedback: analytics enables your business to capture SMS feedback and queries from customers and pair them down in order to understand patterns- such as what is the most frequent item alluded to within the text corpus and so forth. Allows you to gauge product/service interest, most highlight support issue etc.
  • Opt-outs Analysis: data analytics enables you to gauge the number of subscribers opting out of a broadcast in ratio to the numbers received- enabling a picture of your drop-out subscriber rate.
  • Scheduling: if your repository is a POS (Point-of-Sale) type system then you may be able to build up a picture of when each customer most frequently purchases items- for example- a morning commuter may purchase coffee or a breakfast item on her way to work- so sending her lunch offers may be ineffective use of marketing budgets- by grouping people by their buying time preference allows your business to send to a more focused and possible responsive audience. If your business is not able to mine POS and/or linking it to CRM type devices then a much simpler way of achieving this is to simply include as a criteria when creating optin marketing list applications what the subscriber’s preference are with regards to offers, times of receiving of SMS etc. And use data mining to extrapolate those.
  • Gauging effectiveness of your lists: if sending a discount coupon or m-ticket via SMS to be redeemed at point, your business can effectively data mine the success of your campaign by analyzing the level of messages sent and the number of offers redeemed in-store- this would require each coupon to be registered with the phone number at point of sale.

There are lots of other ways and methods that analytics can enable your mobile marketing opt-in lists, but as you can see from above, even a few simple database queries or filtering through a spreadsheet can achieve a powerful outcome.

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